He was on a log
So we wrote a blog...here it is.
The photographer was Stef. The camera bag holder was Chris. The subject was Kelsey...well it was until...dun dun dun...the frog appeared. We were on the top of a cliff in a rain forest next to the Nile (aka...on a hill while it was sprinkling next to a stream) when all of a sudden the Loch Ness Monster (frog) appeared! We rushed over to the safari where a gazelle jump over the moon (a grassy area...bunny hopped over a rock). We busted out the Kodak Fugi Cannon Nine Thousand Edition Two (a camera) and conducted the most amazing shoot of the Loch Ness. Our Super Next Top Model (Kelsey) put her entire life on hold for the amazing nature shoot (she waited a minute while we photographed the frog)...she's such a good sport! We finished the shoot of the frog, and the shoot with Kelsey. She jumped in her Supercharged 20-cylinder Jag Mercedes Mustang (her cute little silver car) and drove off into the sunset. We hopped into our jet (grand prix) and headed for the Mansion on the Hill (our studio in the plaza)....and we all lived happily ever after!!
P.S. The frog was on a stick, but stick does not rhyme with frog....or blog...so we went with log.

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