Monday, August 10, 2009

The Loonies went to a Loons Game!

We had lots of fun at the Loons game yesterday! We made a few stops along the way at garage sales looking for some very specific antiquey props (no luck, but that just means we get to go to more this week!)

We then made a detour into town to grab Coldstone! While waiting in line, we recived a text recommending the Mint Mint Chocolate Chocolate was from Jeff...he was next door at Starbucks! (go figure) Not only did we get to visit with him for a few minutes, he also surprised us later by putting Hillier Studio's name up on the big screen!! We were screwing around with the camera....I mean...we were....intently watching the game...when all of a sudden there we were...for everyone to see!!

We decided to share a few pictures of our day with you all, but there are a couple things to consider before continuing to the pictures...
First and foremost: Laughing at us is allowed, as long as it is done behind our backs :)
Secondly: It is important to keep in mind that these are merely snapshots, not examples of our professional portrait work!!

Picture 1: Chris (age 13) and Stef (age 12) jk...take a picture with Lou E.!

Picture 2: Lou E Loon!!!

Picture 3: Stef and Joel enjoying the game!

Picture 4: Stef and Chris taking a self-portrait...cheesy as always!

Picture 5: Chris and Rob having fun...Chris keeping the bugs away with
her Praying Mantis sun glasses!

Picture 6: The four of us attempting to all get into a self-portrait!

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